The Challenge
A changing climate has implications today in anticipation of tomorrow. Our industry acknowledges this and has accepted the challenge.
Queensland Marine Aquarium Industry
A small, capital-intensive industry operating high value fisheries to world-class standards on a global natural icon.
Cycle of Assessment, Management and Monitoring
Continuous improvement model whereby access to international markets is dependent on management for environmental performance.
Identified Ecological Risk
A forum for managers, scientists, industry and conservationists to pool knowledge to identify fishery risks to the environment.
Industry Risk Mitigation Standards
Industry workshops constructed standards to drive down identified fishery risks early in the cycle of assessment, management and monitoring.
Management Response Task Force
This forum enables our industry to contribute to the recovery of habitats after disturbance.
Filling Knowledge Gaps
Our industry is investing in accelerating continuous improvement of environmental performance of our fisheries.
Stewardship Action Plan
Mitigating Ecological Risk in a Changing Climate
Pro-vision Reef Inc.

Welcome to Pro-vision Reef Inc. Our mission is to engender community and market confidence in our industry through our commitment to the highest standards of environmental performance in our fisheries on the Great Barrier Reef. Read more
Stewardship in Action
Promoting Sustainable Reef Harvest
“Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about reported declines in coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef. However, corals harvested by the aquarium industry are very different or contribute little to live coral cover in shallow reef environments where monitoring is being undertaken.”
Professor Morgan Pratchett
[ Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies ]